How Businesses Can Leverage Facebook Groups for Organic Growth

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

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Businesses on Facebook enjoyed a great deal of organic exposure to their content for many years. But since around 2014, there has begun an observed decline in the organic reach of businesses on Facebook. 

The reason for that is that Facebook has started showing more ads on the platform, which naturally causes greater competition among content creators and advertisers.

So yes, you can claim that Facebook has become a pay-to-play platform. However, it is only partially true.

You probably already know about Facebook’s groups/communities. This concept has been around for years. So why has it recently become so popular on the platform?

According to CNBC, Mark Zuckerberg shifted Facebook’s focus to groups in 2017. letting users customize their feeds and interact with other community members with the same interests to improve the user experience on the platform.

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So how can businesses take advantage of Facebook groups to receive organic reach?

Groups are a great way to grow organically on Facebook because users are more exposed to the content of groups. The exposure to group content can be very high, especially if you engage with the group’s content regularly.

Businesses that take advantage of this fact, open a community that is related to the industry of their business, and by helping others and providing great value, they attract user attention to their business organically.

A great example of a branded Facebook group is a group with a business logo in its cover image or a group with a business name in its name. For example, “Digital Marketing Industry – by Ultraise”.

Businesses can also grow their facebook page and enjoy organic growth. Read this post to learn how.

This great video explains well how businesses can take advantage of Facebook groups:

What are the pros and cons of leveraging Facebook groups for organic growth?


1) Once the Facebook group is big enough, it will start “feeding itself” which means that community members will submit content more often and interact with each other. This helps the group grow organically and attract new members who get exposed to your business.

2) As a group owner, you have the opportunity to provide real value to your community members and increase your brand’s credibility.

3) Engaging with your target audience has never been easier. You can ask your group members different questions to receive valuable information for your business.


1) Building a Facebook group from scratch can be frustrating as it requires a lot of time and investment in inviting new members and creating engaging content regularly.

2) If you promote your business too aggressively, your brand can lose its trust and be seen as spammy.

3) Algorithm changes may negatively affect Facebook groups and lead to a drop in impressions, and if you accidentally violate the Facebook community guidelines it can lead to your group being terminated.

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To conclude,

businesses and brands with only Facebook pages must realize that it is not enough nowadays. It has become extremely hard to gain a fair amount of impressions on your content. Therefore, many pages become inactive, which hurts the look of your brand.

If you decide to create a new Facebook community for your business, take into account that it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. However, eventually, your business will be able to generate great results.

If you want to grow organically on platforms other platforms, this post about growing on Threads fast may interest you.


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