6 Tips for Writing an Engaging Social Media Post

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

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Uploading social media content is a crucial element of digital marketing these days. Businesses that don’t upload content seem like they don’t exist.

If your business wants to reach as many customers as possible by regularly posting high-engaging content, this article is for you!

1) Write the content for your readers and not for yourself

It is essential to follow this rule. Users can decide whether your post is useful within two seconds.

You should strive to become the content creator that everyone looks forward to reading.

Make sure that your posts provide real value to your readers.

For example, this post on the biggest trends in digital marketing may provide valuable insights to your audience.

And one important tip: Do not rely on AI to write your content. People these days can tell in a few seconds whether the content is human-written or generated by AI.

writing a social media post for your readers to increase engagement


2) Write the value of the post in its beginning

When people scroll through the feed and encounter your post, they see only a few sentences of the post, so it’s crucial to make it eye-catching and short.

This is a great way to catch user attention and drag the user to read your content.

3) Format the post in a way that is easy to read

It’s hard for users to read a lot of content these days.

Therefore you should try to make your post organized and divided by sections, titles, and spaces, so it will be easy to read. Writing posts that contain very long phrases will just make your readers pass them instead of reading them.

4) Use an eye-catching image/video

When people view an eye-catching image or video, their eyes will get “stuck” on it, and that’s the chance to catch their attention and read the whole post.

Using eye-catching colors like yellow or blue in an image or video is recommended. However, keep in mind that the image or video must be logically related to your post’s text.

using an eye catching image or video to increase engagement


5) Ask questions

It is also highly effective to simply ask questions in social media posts to create highly engaging posts. You know your audience the best. Therefore, asking them a relevant question about something in your industry or something personal may be a great way to start a conversation with them, which will help your post be more engaging and reach many users.

For example, if you are a restaurant, you could ask your audience, “What is your favorite dish on our menu?”. This way you can improve your post engagement as well as gather valuable feedback from your customers.

This great video shows the keys to asking questions on social media:

6) Use humor

Even though many brands stick to a serious position, inserting humor into some of the posts can help receive more engagement as well as help your audience become more emotionally connected to your brand. 

It’s totally fine to laugh with your audience in some cases.

In conclusion,

There are many different social media platforms out there. Each platform has its way of promotion. But dragging people’s attention is something that always works the same.

Therefore, try sticking to the tips for writing an engaging social media post and watch your impressions grow as time passes.

If creating a short viral video is something you want to do, then this post may interest you.


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