Ad Creation Tips: 7 Ways to Think Creatively

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

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Have you ever tried creating an ad for your business, and it didn’t work out? If so, this article is just for you.

These are the seven ways to think creatively during ad creation that most advertisers out there use, and you should use them as well:

1) Identification of product attributes and values

Describe the attributes of your product or service and think of the value that the customer receives by using it.

A common mistake among many advertisers when creating ads is assuming that the target audience will understand the value of the product/service by themselves.

Ensure that the value of your ad is highlighted, so there will be no doubt about it when people view it.

2) Exaggeration of situations

Think of daily situations that most people experience regularly and use exaggeration to intentionally turn those situations into nonsense and highlight the value of your product.

Exaggeration of situations can be quantitative, relative, contextual, personal, etc.

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3) Using an activity

You can use any kind of activity within your advertisement to make your target audience perform a specific action that will cause them to understand the value of your product or service by themselves.

Even thinking a little thought in your head can be considered an activity, as well as clicking on something, asking something, etc.

If you use this method, you must avoid using complex activities, since failing activities will leave your audience unimpressed.

If you also want to learn how writing creative social media posts, this post may interest you.

4) The missing element

Your advertisement can also be made more attention-grabbing by removing an element.

There may be missing elements such as the title, text, visual, product image, logo, brand name, promise, etc.

You should make sure that your marketing message is emphasized after subtracting the element. You may switch between different elements until you find the right one to subtract.

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5) Exaggeration of results

Exaggerate the potential results of using your product to highlight its value for your customers.

It’s like someone eating gum and then becoming extremely successful because he ate the gum first, rather than just feeling good for a moment.

6) An absurd alternative

Compare your product with ridiculous solutions that can’t solve any problems. Correct comparisons make your product look like the only solution that makes sense using, encouraging viewers to consume it.

An example would be when someone wants to eat food and there is only one restaurant in the town, which makes it the only option he has left. However, you need to compare that restaurant to other ridiculous solutions, for example, eating food made of plastic in furniture stores.

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7) Image or metaphor

One of the best ad creation tips is to define the main message, idea, symbols, ingredients, and characteristics of your product or service and then combine them to create a creative image or metaphor that will be remembered by the viewers.

To conclude,

The methods listed in this article will guide you and provide you with the path for creative thinking and the best ad creation ways when you are wondering how to create outstanding ads that will be remembered for a long time.

You can also combine AI in your workflow to create the best ads. Read this post to discover how.

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