Growth Marketing & Working Out Regularly – How Are They Connected?

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

Could you believe that working out regularly and growth marketing are connected?

Some people may think this is nonsense after reading this sentence. However, reading this article may change your mind.

Every marketer defines success differently when it comes to growth marketing. Whether your definition of success is measured by gaining a certain amount of followers, working with a specific number of customers, or generating a 6-figure income for your business, most people find out that it is extremely hard to achieve success in growth marketing.

Why is it happening?

The main problem that makes people abandon their goals is the inability to stick to their efforts in the mid to long term.

As a growth marketer, you probably know that perseverance is one of the most important values in marketing, as you need to keep delivering your marketing message to your target audience time and time again. Many businesses that try to grow put heavy efforts into marketing at the beginning, but are unable to keep doing it for a long period, which eventually leads to frustration and abandonment.

Taking the time to reply to comments on your posts, being active on social media, and more, are all examples of perseverance in marketing.

If you are into growth marketing, this post on how to grow an independent business may interest you.

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So what's the connection between growth marketing and working out regularly?

When you train in the gym or do other types of exercise that require physical and mental effort, you probably encounter those people that are “always there” and see them every time you go.

Think about those people for a moment or ask them how they feel about their self-fulfillment and how they rate it from one to ten. There is a better chance that their answers are in the upper third of the ladder in most cases.

Why would they feel like this?

Whether those people exercise just for fun or to achieve a specific goal, they know a lot about perseverance and they keep working out day after day, with no excuses, even if they had the worst day.

Instead of watching TV, spending time on social media, or any other Dopamine-releasing activities, they choose to invest their time in themselves and go to train.

By persevering in training, people will be able to persevere in other activities they desire, giving them a big advantage over others in goal achievement, since every big dream is made up of many little steps.

The process of growth marketing is an endless one, which is built slowly. Therefore you must persist and enjoy the journey and the achievement of little milestones along the way.

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In conclusion,

Even if you don’t exercise at all, it is recommended to do any kind of exercise at least 2-3 times a week, which can be short ones (20-30 minutes).

Spend time before or after work, or even during your break, and invest in your own body and mentality. You will be surprised to see a great improvement in your mood as well as the ability to become a great growth marketer and reach your marketing goals.

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