How to Generate Qualified Leads on Meta

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

DISCLAIMER: We might receive commissions from links in this article 

Well-known for its powerful AI algorithm with laser-targeted capabilities, Meta is one of the biggest platforms to reach vast audiences.

Many advertisers around the world enjoy a positive ROI when using Meta Ads to advertise on Facebook and Instagram.

But with great reach comes great responsibility – The responsibility to create compelling ads with a clear CTA (Call-to-action) that attract your most relevant audiences.

All Meta advertisers know that feeling when you receive many low-price leads, but most are nonqualified and waste your time and budget.

In this post, you will learn how to generate qualified leads on Meta.

If you are an advertiser or a business owner who wants to generate qualified leads and get the most out of your budget, keep reading.

Before crafting even a single ad, ensure you know your ideal customer in the best way possible. An effective way to define your target audience is by creating a customer persona.

Customer personas are examples of ideal clients. It includes demographics, interests, online behavior, fears, and more.

When you understand your audience’s wants and needs, you can deliver a targeted marketing message that resonates with them.

Learn the best practices to find your target audience by reading this post.

Rule #1 Know your ideal customer


Rule #2 - Deliver a clear marketing message

A clear marketing message that resonates with your audience is the second most important step after defining your audience.

The marketing message is what people can understand by watching your ads. 

Be as clear as possible with your ads. Let your target audience know what you are selling and who you are. 

If your offer is unclear, you may receive many irrelevant leads who don’t understand your product or service.

A great example may be an online training business that sells an online workout and nutrition program but uses an unclear marketing message that causes people to think the product is personal training.

The marketing message on Meta is delivered by creative and text, so ensure your ad is clear and understandable.

Rule #3: Use filters

Filters are elements that can help get more qualified leads instead of irrelevant ones.

On Meta, one of the popular lead generation methods is using On-Facebook Lead forms. Those forms enable users to submit their details inside the platform without going to an external website. 

Many advertisers fail in generating qualified leads using On-Facebook Lead forms because they don’t use their advanced features such as filtering questions, adding a greeting with more information to your lead form, choosing a “Rich creative” form type to display additional business information, etc.

Another filter you can use is driving people to an external landing page which shows additional information about your offer and business, selecting specific audience options, and more.

Overall it makes sense, without using filters you can receive many leads for very low prices. However, most of them will be unqualified leads that will waste your time and money.

If you want to deal with leads who already understand your offer and business, then using filters is highly recommended. Take into account that by using filters, your cost per lead will probably rise. However, the most important KPI (Key performance indicator) is the CPA (Cost per customer acquisition) which means – How much it costs your business to acquire a new client.

This awesome video explains the conditional logic feature of Facebook lead forms:


Rule #4: Use retargeting

Reconnect with website visitors or people engaged with your ads who haven’t converted yet. Retargeting campaigns with special offers or reminders can nudge qualified leads back to take action.

Rule #4 Use retargeting

Rule #5: Keep optimizing

It is a common misconception that starting a PPC campaign is a one-time task that runs automatically afterward.

It’s crucial to track the leads’ progress and analyze your sales calls or meetings to understand how you can improve your campaign, not only technically but also its marketing message.

To conclude

Generating qualified leads on Meta is not an easy task at all.

Today, with so many advertisers it will be hard to stand out from your competitors, but once you succeed, generating qualified leads is a must if you want your business to grow and maintain a positive ROI.

Learn how to write highly engaging ads/social media posts by reading this post.


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