How to grow on Threads – Fast?

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

Threads by Instagram has already shaken the digital marketing world. Businesses and individuals from all around the world have started uploading content on this brand-new social media platform.

According to Sproutsocial, The average person bounces between seven different social networks per month, which means that Threads is likely to be one of them too.

Whether you promote your business or yourself on Threads, there are crucial principles you need to follow to grow on Threads and expand your reach on this platform.

Threads by Instagram is still under development, and its features will improve. However, use these tips to be the first to grow on this platform:

1) Post frequently

Because Threads is a brand-new platform, many users post content on this platform to test it out. However, many of them may not post regularly as well.

That’s your place to shine and show you are committed to posting on Threads regularly. Users will notice that you post regularly, and your reach will grow also.

For a better understanding of Threads platform, read this post.

Stick to a regular posting schedule so your audience knows when to expect new content.

2) Share engaging content

Threads is a great platform to grow fast because sharing posts from the feed is easy. Therefore, focus on creating high-engaging content relevant to your target audience.

Your posts should be interesting, funny, educational, or informative. Try posting both professional and personal content, so your target audience will connect more to you or your brand.

Followers won’t follow you if your content isn’t interesting and relevant to them, so upload viral, high-engaging content on Threads that will be shared across the platform and help you expand your reach.

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3) Use relevant hashtags

Even though hashtags are not currently clickable on Threads like on Instagram and Twitter, using them can help your followers understand what your posts are about before reading them, so it may help you maintain a higher engagement rate.

In the future, hashtags may work like everyone is used to, so it is worth including relevant hashtags in your posts.

Make sure not to use too many hashtags in your posts so it won’t look spammy.

As Threads is similar to Instagram, finding the most relevant Instagram hashtags can be useful too. Learn how to find the best hashtags in this post.

4) Interact with your followers

Interacting with your followers on Threads is crucial to your account growth. Show respect and appreciation to followers and other users who comment on your posts or message you.

Interacting with your followers also includes liking and commenting on others’ posts to show them that you are interested in their content, so they will be more likely to engage with yours. It’s all about giving and receiving.

5) Promote your Threads account on other social media platforms

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks can be integrated with Threads. You can use this feature to gain more exposure for your Threads posts.

Additionally, use Instagram to invite your followers to follow you on Threads as well.

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6) Follow other users

One of the easiest ways to gain followers on Threads is to follow others. But you must follow only users relevant to your niche, so your posts will interest them. If you follow random people, it may cause your account engagement rate to drop.

To conclude,

Threads is a new social platform that can be considered an opportunity for many businesses and individuals to grow and reach new audiences.

Apply the tips in this article to be the first to grow on Threads and win your competition.

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