The Best Marketing Strategies to Grow Any Business

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

DISCLAIMER: We might receive commissions from links in this article 

If there’s one thing every business owner dreams of, it’s growth – more sales, more clients, and more awareness.

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, whether it’s a baby startup, a well-established company, or even just an idea, the key to success is having the best marketing in the world.

I know… With so many marketing strategies available, the real problem is choosing the ones that suit your business, and of course – executing them well.

But don’t worry because in this post, I am going to expose the best marketing strategies to grow any business.

And no – I won’t use any buzzwords, but only proven marketing strategies you can apply to any business with success.
And if that’s not enough, I will show you real examples of businesses that used each marketing strategy to skyrocket like Elon Musk’s spaceship.

This post may also interest you: 6 Ways to Use Digital Marketing for Passive Income

An imaginative scene of an enchanted marketing paper floating in mid air, surrounded by bright, mesmerizing colors. The paper has a symbol of a golden dollar sign, a compass, and a glowing star. I

1) Dominate Social Media (But Make It Fun)

First things first: social media. I am not talking about posting random pics of you eating a burrito in the office just to show how “busy” your business is.
I am talking about strategic social media domination.

The first step is to figure out which platforms your target audience spends its time on.

For example, TikTok is more popular among Gen Z, and Instagram for millennials while LinkedIn is mostly for B2B pros.

Think of it like picking a battleground, you’ll want to pick yours wisely before you start the battle so you can win it easily.

After choosing the right platforms, focus on creating fun, engaging content that makes people want to stick around and consume more and more until the only thing they remember is your brand name 😉

What’s the mistake most businesses make on social media?

They try to focus on posting as often as possible without thinking about the strategy behind it.
It’s not about the follower counter, but about building a strong community that loves your brand.

If you asked me, 50 real, genuine followers who love your content are much better than 1000 followers you gain by using the traditional follow-unfollow method.

Real-World Example:

Do you know Gymshark? Yeah, the fitness apparel brand.
Gymshark grew rapidly through social media marketing, particularly on Instagram.
They collaborated with fitness influencers and created a community around their brand and became a multi-million dollar company in just a few years!

So next time someone tells you that social media marketing is dead, get him a Gymshark cloth.

This video explains well how to market your business on social media:

2) SEO – Your Long-Term Traffic Solution

I have news for you, the Google search engine can be your BFF and bring your website tons of quality traffic, ALL FOR FREE.

Sounds impossible? Well, it’s not.
Once your website excels in SEO, Google will start to like it and send more organic traffic when people search for specific terms on the search engine.

The downturn of SEO is that it takes time to build up, so you can’t expect fast results like in PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising.

But if you want to start ranking and get free traffic 24/7 then start with the basics: Research the right keywords, optimize your website’s speed and mobile usability, and build a few quality backlinks.

Real-World Example:

Zapier, the web automation company, experienced massive growth largely due to its SEO strategy.
They created a vast library of high-quality informative content related to app integrations and automation.
In addition, they changed their content based on user needs to make it as relevant and engaging as possible.

A creative and modern digital illustration featuring a young professional working on a sleek laptop. The laptop screen displays a graph with organic SEO traffic steadily increasing, represented by

3) Email Marketing: Your Secret Weapon for Sales

If you are thinking right now that email marketing is dead, think again.
Email marketing is still the powerhouse of digital marketing.

Why? Because it lets you stay in front of your audience directly.
Email marketing works best when you personalize your messages, so avoid sending generic emails that could put someone to sleep.
Instead, segment your email list based on behaviors, interests, and actions, and send them tailored content they will actually care about.

One of the best use cases of email marketing is “Abandoned Cart” campaigns that encourage e-commerce website visitors who abandon a cart to come back and complete the purchase.

The best thing about email marketing is that you can automate it to the fullest by creating an email journey, which is a series of automated emails that nurture leads, offer value, and eventually guide them toward a purchase. It’s like a sales funnel in your sleep.

Real-World Example:

Peel’s is a small business selling minimalist phone cases and accessories that experienced remarkable growth by leveraging email marketing.

Peel’s increased its revenue by 16 times in just two years without investing in traditional marketing, primarily relying on email marketing.
This business has nailed audience segmentation to create relevant email lists that encourage users to purchase more products, all done almost 100% automatically.

This is a great example that shows how a business with simple products can win big by leveraging the power of email marketing.

A mesmerizing digital illustration of an email in the shape of a golden, mystical owl. The owl has automated features and icons displayed on a digital screen, showcasing its advanced capabilities.

4) Run Paid Ads (But Don’t Throw Money at the Wall)

Yep, organic traffic is the best, but sometimes you need to give it a little boost with paid ads.

There are many platforms for this task like Google Ads or Meta Ads (Facebook and Instagram).
What I like the most about paid ads is the fact you can see results pretty fast compared to other marketing strategies.

You can also get super specific with your targeting and reach the right people faster than in organic strategies.

The key to success in paid advertising is knowing your target audience and showing them the right marketing message that will drive conversions like lead form submissions, meeting schedules, etc.

Why are so many business owners afraid of paid advertising?

They may have thought paid advertising (PPC) works like magic and got disappointed with the results.
But the truth is, without a solid strategy, you are going to waste a lot of time and money.
So don’t rush with launching your campaign, do it correctly.

Real-World Example:

Dollar Shave Club, an American company for razors and other personal grooming products is an excellent example of a business that leveraged paid advertising to achieve rapid growth.

In 2012, they released a humorous YouTube video ad that went viral, garnering millions of views. Even though the video was already a success organically, they boosted it using paid ads.

In addition, they used Facebook ads for retargeting and brand awareness campaigns and then diversified their paid advertising across platforms like YouTube, Google Ads, Instagram, and Facebook.

This is the viral Dollar Shave Club video from 2012:

Final Thoughts: Your Path to Marketing Glory

Marketing is not a one-size solution.
That’s a mix of creativity, strategy, and good old trial and error.
The marketing strategies presented in this post can help any business to grow, but there are many more to explore, so keep your mind open.

The best practice is to start with a few marketing strategies you believe could work best, see what really works and what doesn’t, and focus on the ones that work to scale it. Only then try new marketing strategies in addition.

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