What You Need to Know About Threads

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

What is Threads?

Threads is a brand-new standalone social platform created by Instagram.

The idea behind this platform is to let Instagram users connect with their friends more intimately and create conversations. Threads is designed to be more personal and private than Instagram.

According to Mark Zuckerberg, Threads offers a new, separate space for real-time updates and public conversations, which can shape the future of the internet.

The Threads app is pretty similar to Twitter in its functionality and appearance. The main idea behind this app is probably to compete with Twitter and let Instagram users enjoy the open conversations experience with their friends.

You can view if an Instagram user uses Threads by looking at the profile. If you see a Threads badge with a number, then it means that the user is also on Threads, and you can also view that user’s profile on Threads.

How to start using Threads?

This app is currently available for free on IOS and Android devices.
You must use your Instagram login details and allow Threads to access your Instagram contacts.

After logging in to Threads for the first time, there’s an option to follow the same people you follow on Instagram, so it’s easy to find your friends without the need to search for everyone on the new platform.

Read this post to learn how to grow on Threads fast.

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What will be the main features of Threads?

1) Real-time messaging: Similar to Instagram, you will be able to send and receive messages in real-time on Threads.

2) Short posts: You can write posts up to 500 characters on Threads. They can include text, photos, links, and videos limited to 5 minutes in length.

3) Active status: Threads users will be able to see whether their friends are online or offline.

4) Sticker packs: Threads users will have the option to use a variety of sticker packs provided by the platform, which enables them to create unique posts that look and feel different.

5) Direct sharing: Similar to Twitter, Threads users can repost other user posts directly from their feed and share them also on Instagram and Twitter.

Can Threads beat Twitter?

There are a few reasons why Threads could beat Twitter:

1) Larger user base: Instagram has approximately 2.3 billion active users, while Twitter has around 400 million active users. Threads may benefit from Instagram’s large audience since it is easy to connect to an Instagram account.

2) Threads is integrated with Instagram: Even though Threads is a standalone app, it is deeply integrated with Instagram. It is easy to share posts from Threads to Instagram and vice versa.

It contributes to a larger ecosystem than Instagram or Threads by themselves as standalone apps.

3) Focus on personal communication: Threads is aimed at connecting you with your closest friends, while Twitter is more public.

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To conclude,

Threads is a new social media platform that focuses on creating a great experience connecting with Instagram friends. At the moment, it is impossible to predict whether this platform will succeed and grow. However, Threads is going to change the world of digital marketing for sure!

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