29 SEO Hacks To Skyrocket Your Organic Traffic

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

DISCLAIMER: We might receive commissions from links in this article 

Are you tired of that feeling when you analyze your competitor’s websites and see they have millions of organic users every month, and you only have a few hundred?

I know that frustrating feeling.
And let’s be real, SEO sounds easy, but it contains so many elements that make it as complex as quantum physics.

However, I have good news – You don’t need to be a digital marketing genius to improve your website SEO and get ranked high on the search results.

I wrote this post to expose the best 29 SEO hacks you can apply to your website that will skyrocket your organic traffic.

It’s time to stop watching your competitors win the race and start working to see your Search Console organic results exploding!

So without further due, let’s jump right into the SEO hacks:

a minecraft style island with the title seo hacks

Hack 1: Nail Your Keyword Research

Before anything else, you need to know what people are searching for.
You can analyze different keywords with different tools, and in my opinion, the best one among them is Semrush.

This tool will help you find the best keywords you must use if you want to beat your competitors by analyzing their most successful keywords and posts.

In addition, Semrush offers a free trial so it’s highly recommended.

A big mistake many websites make is writing content that targets irrelevant keywords that nobody actually looks for, so it will be impossible to gain high amounts of traffic with such keywords.

Hack 2: Create Content for Humans (Not Robots)

When I say SEO, you are probably thinking of the Google algorithm.
But who is going to (really) read and enjoy the content of your website, a bot or a human?

I hope your answer is human because writing content for bots will get your website nowhere.

In fact, the Google algorithm has recently made a big change, and now it focuses much more on content made for humans.

Hack 3: Optimize Your Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Your title tag and meta description are the first things people see on Google. This is the packaging of your blog posts and web pages, so ensure they sound appealing and make people want to click on them.

Each organic impression you see in your Google Search Console can be seen as an opportunity to capture users’ attention and get them to your website.

This great video explains how to optimize your title tags and meta descriptions:

Hack 4: Use LSI Keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a technique used by search engines to understand the context and meaning of words on a webpage.

For example, if you write a blog post about the best ways to make money using debt, inserting relevant terms like “credit”, “bank”, “income”, and “profits” can help the search engines better understand the context of the main post’s keywords.

It’s important to include such words naturally, in a way that is optimized for humans and not for bots.

Hack 5: Compress Images Without Losing Quality

Slow websites kill rankings because they hurt user experience.
Use tools like TinyPNG or ShortPixel to compress your images and keep your site fast.

Another option is to convert PNG/JPG images to WEBP format which is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web.

Hack 6: Internal Linking Magic

Using internal links in your website can help you get ranked higher on the search results.

After users read 100% of your blog post, you’ll want to redirect them to another relevant blog post and keep them hooked on your website.

A captivating image of a digital realm where a multitude of interconnected website links are brought to life with magical energies. Each link sparkles with a vibrant color, forming a mesmerizing a

Hack 7: Make Your URLs SEO-Friendly

Keep your URLs short, clean, and keyword-rich. Google as well as users love simple URLs that describe exactly what your page is about.

For example, ultraise.com/seo-hacks

is way better than ultraise.com/9382hvjbdf78.

Hack 8: Optimize for Featured Snippets

Ever seen those boxes at the top of Google’s search results? Those are featured snippets, and they’re prime real estate.

If you write your content using Q&A format, you increase your chances of showing up in featured snippets.

Hack 9: Use Schema Markup

Schema markup helps search engines understand your content better, which can lead to rich snippets—those fancy search results with star ratings, images, and more.

I recommend using a tool like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to get started.

Hack 10: Add Alt Text to Every Image

Alt text is something you can add to images on your website.
Not only does this make your site more accessible, but it also helps the search engines understand what the image is about.

And listen to this pro tip: If relevant, add your main keywords to the alt text of images to achieve even better results.

a minecraft pixelated style image of many nature picture frames as a reference to meta tagging images

Hack 11: Write In-Depth, Long-Form Content

Many website owners dismiss this hack, but writing longer content is considered more professional and informative for both readers and search engines.

Hack 12: Update Old Content

Blog posts are better than written books because they can be updated with new, relevant information after being published.

When you update old posts with new information, it shows the search engines that your website is active and constantly improves its content.

Hack 13: Use the Skyscraper Technique

Identify the best-performing content in your niche and create something even better. Add more details, insights, and value. Then promote it like crazy.

In addition, identify what’s working best on your website and create something better.

Hack 14: Mobile-First Everything

Google is obsessed with mobile, and you should be too.
Make sure your site is mobile-friendly because more than 50% of searches are on mobile devices.

If your site is not optimized, many of those users will bounce immediately.

a retro image of a pixelated mobile phone with its screen showing a blog

Hack 15: Leverage User-Generated Content

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel yourself.
Using reviews, testimonials, and comments made by real people is something interesting you can add to your articles.

It is juicy and helps you build credibility when educating people or presenting products/services.

Hack 16: Use Video (And Optimize It)

One of the key metrics the search engine algorithms use to determine whether the user experience on a website is great is measuring the average engagement time, which means how much time a user spends on your website while being active.

By incorporating relevant videos from YouTube in your blog posts, you can provide more valuable information and increase your average engagement time dramatically.

Hack 17: Improve Your Page Speed

Sometimes some things you didn’t even think about slow your website.
By using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, you can analyze the speed of any page on your website and gain practical steps on how to improve it.

Hack 18: Get Backlinks from Authority Sites

Backlinks are other websites that link to your website.
By getting more quality backlinks from high-authority sites, the search engines will treat your website as more quality and send more organic traffic.

Important note: Getting backlinks in the form of guest posting is a great way to build domain authority.

This great video shows how to get backlinks to your website fast:

Hack 19: Use Social Proof

Why not let other users share your website content?

It can increase your website traffic dramatically, and the search engines will notice it.

You can see that at the end of this blog post, there are social icons that let you share this post with your friends.

Hack 20: Optimize for Voice Search

The worldwide smart speaker industry is expected to grow at a rate of 32.5% in the next ten years.

You can take advantage of it and optimize your blog posts to voice search by using simple terms that people look for when using voice searches like “Why”, “How”, “When”, etc.

Hack 21: Fight High Bounce Rates

Bounce rate is when visitors enter a website and then leave (“bounce”) without continuing to view other pages within the same.

By lowering your bounce rate, your website will be considered more quality.
Write compelling content and suggest users additional relevant posts within each post so they keep browsing your website.

Hack 22: Use Infographics for Backlinks

Infographics are link magnets.
By creating stunning, data-driven infographics, you increase your chances of other websites sharing them, creating new backlinks for you.

using website infographic can help achieve better organic results and generate more quality backlinks

Hack 23: Add FAQs to Your Pages

People love frequently asked questions as well as search engines.
By including FAQs in your blog posts, you can rank for long tail keywords, improve your user experience, and rank for voice search.

Hack 24: Publish Consistently

Google loves consistency because it shows that your website is active.
However, it’s better to publish quality content over publishing low-value content regularly.

Try to find the perfect balance between quality and frequency.

Hack 25: Use Google Search Console to Find What's Working

Google Search Console is a free goldmine for every website.
It shows you with a glance what content is working and what is not on your website.

By analyzing this data, you can find what users love to see the most and what keywords you should focus on.

For example, I saw on my Search Console that my previous article about the best SEO platform had a great demand, so I decided to write this informative post to maximize results.

Hack 26: Stay Updated With Google Algorithm Changes

SEO is a moving target that Google loves to fire arrows at.
Be aware of new algorithm changes so you can avoid new “mistakes” most websites are not aware of as a result of algorithm changes.

staying up to date with google algorithm changes is curcial to succeed organically

Hack 27: Add Related Keywords to H2 and H3 Headers

Defining your headers as H2 and H3 can help the search engine crawlers better understand the structure of your posts.

Adding relevant keywords to those titles has greater weight than just adding them to your content.

Hack 28: Translate Your Blog Posts

If you write only for a global audience, you should consider translating it to more languages to expand your reach and increase your traffic.

Hack 29: Write the Text in an Easy to Easy-to-Read Way and Use Images

The way you craft your blog posts is crucial to improving user engagement time. 

Users will read longer content only if it is well-structured in an easy-to-read way.

It is also important to include engaging and creative images that help to deliver the message in your post.

Wrapping It All Up

SEO is not easy, but it can work like magic.
If you follow the 29 SEO hacks mentioned in this post, I’m sure that you will achieve better organic results and improve your website ranking.

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