How to Be a Great Salesman?

Barak Zamler

Sales & Marketing Specialist

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Are you the great salesman you think you are? Today, being a salesman is different from what it used to be.

These days, the sales process is all about solving people’s problems.
The hardcore sales era is already over.

1) Aggressiveness

One of the worst things you can do during a sales meeting is to be too aggressive and force the other side to make bad decisions that will hurt both of you in the future.

A hostile or uncomfortable environment can be created when you are aggressive with your clients, leading to dissatisfaction.

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2) Dishonesty

A core value that a great salesman should have is honesty. Always tell your client all the details in complete transparency and honesty.

There may be times when you feel tempted to change or lose information in order to close a deal faster. You should never misrepresent product features, downplay limitations, or blow off promises, as it damages trust and relationships.

3) Ignoring customer needs

Your product or service doesn’t fit everyone’s needs. It’s not a shame to tell your clients that your product or service is not a good fit for them.
In most cases, clients will appreciate you telling it and respect you for being honest with them.

Only work with clients who are a good fit for your business because a failure in delivery can hurt your business’s reputation and credibility.

Sometimes you should not work with potential clients. Learn when you should pass a deal in this post.

This great video talks about understanding customer needs in sales:

4) Lack of product knowledge

Even though a great salesman should be able to sell every product, it’s crucial to understand what you are selling as it can help you close deals and provide your clients with products or services that fit their needs.

In addition, not investing enough time in product knowledge can result in incomplete or inaccurate information provided to customers, leading to confusion and dissatisfaction.

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5) Not taking "No" for an answer

Sometimes “No” is the answer.

Always verify clients’ needs and understand their pain points, but if you notice that they don’t want your service or product, you should consider leaving them and focus on the next ones.

6) Overpromising and underdelivering

These days, many salesmen promise impossible results regarding the performance of a product or service.

Be the genuine and realistic salesman every client would like to work with. Never make promises you may not be able to fulfill, and focus on the services you provide instead of those you don’t.

7) Lack of empathy

The hardcore salesman may sometimes disregard the client’s emotions, as well as the circumstances. Focus on creating a genuine, personal connection with your clients.

Pay attention to how your clients react, feel, and speak during your sales meeting. Make sure you know the whole picture when it comes to your sales path and don’t be too strict – Change your sales path and make it relevant to your clients.

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To conclude,

There is no one answer for how to be a great salesman. To become a successful salesman, avoid the negative behaviors outlined in this article to keep learning and improving yourself.

If you want to learn how to create a killer landing page that sells itself, then reading this post may give you the answer.


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